We, at Whispering Pines, believe the Irish proverb that “Laughter is brightest where food is the best”. And thus, in-spite of the remote location, we strive to make sure that the quality of food and menu on offer are not compromised. In fact, since its inception, sumptuous food has always been the highlight of Whispering Pines.
We offer our guests a choice of delectable Indian, Chinese, Mughali and Continental cuisine. Our Chef can surprise you with some really mouthwatering Garhwali cuisines too. Most of the food is sourced locally and cooked hygienically. The food is served in the dining area and there is a separate quick bite menu for room service as well. We as a team believe that when you are on a holiday you should interact with the resort guest and get to know other interesting people from all walks of life. If you have young kids and have special food requirements do let us know in advance for any food preference and we will definitely try our best to cater it. At present we do not serve alcoholic beverages.
Mauris justo nulla, dignissim sed metus id, mollis egestas augue. Praesent eu sapien massa. Vestibulum sollicitudin mi in diam molestie sagittis. In et blandit lorem, lobortis lacinia massa. Suspendisse quis lectus aliquam, faucibus sem eu, faucibus odio. Duis vulputate erat massa, sit amet interdum sapien consectetur gravida. Fusce magna purus, bibendum a sollicitudin quis, tempus eget enim.
Proin faucibus et nisi eu volutpat. Nulla interdum, lorem id blandit accumsan, metus nibh bibendum risus, eget vulputate risus velit placerat dui. Sed egestas odio eu dolor malesuada ornare. Morbi quis quam at dolor porta ultrices vitae id odio. Praesent venenatis purus tincidunt elit aliquet, et tincidunt purus vehicula. Aenean sit amet mauris in velit pulvinar imperdiet. Donec volutpat, velit nec porta iaculis, tellus nisi fermentum nunc, quis fringilla neque lacus quis dui. Donec pulvinar lectus sed condimentum tincidunt. Aliquam risus felis, pretium sit amet suscipit eu, cursus in risus.